Sunday, October 13, 2024

Muslims in school

| January 17, 2016 8:00 PM

Former Coeur d’Alene School Board member Tom Hamilton lit a Facebook fire by calling out the district — and parents who aren’t paying attention — on a presentation made at Hayden Meadows. Here’s a sampling of reader feedback:

•Those of you who instruct at the collegiate level fully understand the failings of our public schools. That our K-12 group constantly lauds their longstanding failings as legitimate ‘work’ demonstrates their delusional perspectives on the concept of a real ‘job.’ Real jobs hold workers accountable for their performance, usually. The outstanding caveat goes to labor unions where mediocre is accepted and protected.

That our floundering educators feel that their own lackluster accomplishments are worthy I guess they feel the need to instruct our youth that progressivism is somehow a successful goal. Generation “x” is now generation entitlement thanks to decades of that effort.

Fortunately there are people such as Mr. Hamilton that honestly expose the agenda and properly advise the public about the problem.

• Hamilton uses the same method as Trump. Stir up hate, always say that someone is doing something wrong, yet doesn’t have any evidence or guts to say who. Do not give this homophobic political has-been any free press.

• I see two totally different issues here. One is whether or not a high school instructor is intentionally teaching misinformation and presenting it as fact. The other is whether or not the guest speaker at H.Meadows presented information that was outside the preapproved parameters of topic.

• The takeaway from this article is simply the good news that Mr. Hamilton is no longer a school board member.