LETTER: Shouldn't be printed
A very bizarre letter you printed from “Mr. Ekko V. O’Key in Wednesday’s edition. It is seriously concerning that the Press would print this. Why would you do this, Coeur d’Alene Press? He seems to be a deranged, woman-hating person with deep issues and some obviously dangerous mental illness. Did the editors of the Press think it was entertaining? Very disappointing and shows quite poorly for your paper.
From what I can ascertain, the former Mr. Robert L. Harwell Jr. spent a year in jail and two years’ probation for stalking in the second degree. He also has a history of drugs, arson and receiving stolen property. Last year he changed his name to “Ekko Vendetta O’Key”, and, you printed his bizarre rant and hatred of women from a lunatic?
But why? What kind of paper is this?
Post Falls