Saturday, December 28, 2024

WOLVES: End the slaughter

| February 28, 2016 8:00 PM

First, they flew helicopters into the Frank Church Wilderness on a deceptive mission to collar wolves. Now, Idaho Fish and Game conspirators are surreptitiously flying military-like helicopter missions into the Lolo country to shoot wolves (how many are wounded?) — beautiful wolves struggling to keep their packs alive; and, of course, must kill elk and other animals to survive.

Fish and Game officials barbarously perpetuate killing as their atrocious solution to wildlife problems they themselves have contrived, and which is detrimental to nature’s balance and the well-being of entire ecosystems inhabited by wolves.

In this age of violence and killing, they perpetuate our “culture of death” (aptly named by Pope John Paul II), torturing and tormenting not only wolves, but sensitive, conscientious people everywhere, while further brutalizing the nation.

Native Americans revered wolves, admiring their courage, intelligence, endurance, and concern for the pack; and drew inspiration from them.

Idaho wildlife officials, obviously, have no consideration for pain and suffering. Consequently, they also have no empathy, sympathy, or compassion whatsoever - and glorify the cruel killing of innocent wolves.

“Animals suffer as much as we do... Until we extend our circle of compassion to all living things, humanity will not find peace.” — Albert Schweitzer

