Sunday, October 13, 2024

SCIENCE: Under biblical assault

| February 21, 2016 8:00 PM

The Idaho Legislature is assaulting public schools on two fronts, attempting to replace modern, evidence-based science with a collection of stories written over 1,900 years ago.

On one front, the House Education Committee rejected new science education standards for teaching facts, including evolution, global warming, the Big Bang, and that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old. One committee member said the standards “should be worded so students can have a variety of opinions regarding [the] age of earth, rather than only a biased old-age earth position” and that evolution standards should be “worded so students who do not believe in [evolution] can be comfortable . . .” Education is not supposed to reaffirm students’ preexisting beliefs, but impart knowledge to prepare students for reality. Evolution is not a matter of belief. Idaho is promoting scientific illiteracy if religion trumps facts in the classroom.

The State Board of Education approved these topics last August, since they all enjoy overwhelming scientific consensus. The Senate Education Committee is the last hope for the new standards. If the Senate rejects them like the House did, the Board of Education will have to start over.

On a second front, SB1321, now working its way through the Senate, would bring the bible into not only literature and comparative religion classes, but also astronomy, biology, geology, archeology, etc.. A book that refers to bats as birds (Leviticus 11:19) has no place in biology class.

Idaho, let’s teach science in science class and the bible in church.


Madison, Wis.