Saturday, October 12, 2024

ELECTION: Give Cruz control

| February 21, 2016 8:00 PM

The very future of our constitutionally based republic is at risk in the coming presidential election. The next President will likely nominate several new Supreme Court Justices and this will determine if we stop socialist control or continue on the path of socialist oppression of rights. We are one liberal Supreme Court justice away from losing our constitution. Free Speech: lost if the court goes the way of Canada in punishing pastors for “hate speech” when preaching traditional Christian doctrines. Right to Bear Arms: lost, when a generation of liberal justices chip away at gun rights. Right of Unlawful Seizure: Already going, with recent rulings on use of eminent domain to benefit private business (for the public good?) Right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness: forever gone for full term babies in the womb.

There is only one man running for President who is dedicated to preserving our Constitutional rights and that man is Ted Cruz. He is a constitutional defender who has argued numerous cases before the Supreme Court to preserve our God given rights. The answer is not Donald Trump who has stood for gun control, supports eminent domain to take our property to enrich private business, has supported the right of full term abortion, and claims his sister, a radical pro-partial birth abortion advocate, would make a great Supreme Court judge. Alas, even poor Marco Rubio, stated he would not immediately rescind Obama’s unconstitutional mandate granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Fortunately, Idaho has the chance, with its 32 electoral votes (more than Iowa or New Hampshire), to change the course of history by voting in our March 8th primary for the only consistently conservative candidate with a chance of stopping Trump’s race to the nomination and ultimate defeat by Hillary.


Coeur d’Alene