Monday, October 07, 2024

Three strikes and you're out, liberals

by JOHN HUIZINGA/Guest Opinion
| February 19, 2016 8:00 PM

On Wednesday I subscribed to the CDA Press for the first time. Upon reading the Readers Write section I realized why I do not take newspapers.

I read three letters that where heaped in false premises or just left out some facts about their subject matter, they were titled Obama, Hybrids, wages respectively. Let’s start with Obama,

While it is true that the president has the constitutional responsibility for placing nominees, potential appointees to the Supreme Court before Congress the confirmation process is constitutionally the responsibility of Congress and they have no obligation to ratify that appointment. So as I said it is funny how our progressive friends have a habit of only giving us part of the story often leaving out the side that would leave their argument mute. There is a reason for the checks and balances granted by our forefathers.

Next Hybrids, there is a very good reason for those higher registration fees for electric vehicles. That reason is they do not buy gasoline so they pay no taxes on that gas, thus they drive on and use the same roads that we fossil burning rednecks drive on. The difference is we are paying for the roads with the taxes we pay on our gasoline or God forbid diesel purchases. The small added fee they pay each year on their registration is the way the state is trying to level the field for all of us. So again our progressive friends are trying to get that proverbial free lunch that I know does not exist.

Now to minimum wages being raised, I know that they are for entry level jobs, ones we work while going to school or college. They were never intended to be livable wages. Being a economics major I know that when we raise the minimum wage a couple of things happen. First employers cannot hire as many employees, second prices for their goods and services go up, they have to make up for the lost revenue from the higher wages. So now we have even fewer jobs for our young people, and we all end up paying higher prices for goods and services, this is most detrimental to our seniors whom more often than not are on a fixed income. I also know that again there is no such thing as a free lunch, government can’t fix anything and I would rather be responsible for myself than have some government bureaucrat telling me how to live my life.

I will see if this gets published, I am doubtful, I am however a eternal optimist.

John Huizinga is a Hayden resident.