Wednesday, October 16, 2024

ELECTION: A lot to lose

| February 19, 2016 8:00 PM

Socialism and communism: Look those words up in a dictionary and see how closely related in definition they are to each other, not a lot of difference. Another word used by a few politicians running for president is “progressivism;” gee! Wonder what they are referring to in this term, “progressive.” Does it refer to the U.S. becoming socialist, later on communist control, or a lesser form of control and manipulation by government over all of us?

As I see things the current government control over us is not far from a one-party system, not much difference in our two major party system. Both parties have changed drastically toward socialist control; in my nearly 50 years of voting eligibility, the majority of both parties have ballooned federal government spending to extremely high levels, putting the U.S. to nearly $19 trillion debt, and $200 trillion in unfunded liabilities debts.

Where is the breaking point to all this uncontrolled debt? What will happen to this country if it goes into effect with nothing backing our money, but paper and ink? Most major manufacturing has left the U.S. over-taxed, over-regulated, too many controls and roadblocks to effective good business success.

Too much technology also contributes to jobs loss. I refuse as a consumer to purchase anything with self-checkout systems anywhere. I try to do most of my buying at stores without self-checkouts that steal people’s jobs. I can imagine how much unemployment is caused by these self-checkout aisles at stores. Hope the state legislature can pass laws to put controls on eliminating self-checkout systems here in Idaho!

The U.S. has the most important election coming up in November this year to try to limit and stop most of the overmanipulation and controls by the federal government, or try to return to a less controlling, less manipulating form of conservative government; or return to all of the control and manipulation the country has endured far too long, under hope you have a little change in your pocket. Most voters are poorly informed and will vote for anything that will give them what they want if they vote socialist.

Vote with intellect and good common sense this year to keep your country alive or the U.S. may fail due to progressive socialism. God bless America and all of us.


Kootenai County