Friday, October 04, 2024

OPIATES: A way forward

| February 12, 2016 8:00 PM

When I first read the articles about local doctors indicted on drug charges I said “Yea, about time for the opiate addiction problem to be addressed on prescribed drugs by physicians.”

The more I thought about it the more I became concerned over balance. The pendulum tends to swing from one extreme to another. I am concerned that physicians will do the same and be afraid to prescribe intelligent usage to protect themselves without thought of the patients’ response. You can’t talk to a chronic pain patient about their pills unless you have a plan for their pain! They are more concerned with the pain than the addiction. Without that guidance they will resort to illegal drugs such as the increased heroin usage going on that could kill them!

There are some great addiction recovery plans such as Good Samaritan and UGM that have waiting lists. However, many die before reaching that consideration. I am concerned physicians will be cutting off pain meds without letting the patients know there is help and a different way.

A program gaining recognition throughout the US is called “A Way Forward,” giving hope and help to the chronic pain people using methods mentioned by Dr. Joe Abate. We are so fortunate that it is actually available locally. Physicians and chronic pain patients NEED this information NOW as it is apparent that physicians may well stop prescribing opiates and other pain relievers pushing the illegal drug usage for these people by leaps and bounds. Researching this is essential to the future well-being of so many people with diseases they are living with on a daily basis.

I hope everyone who reads this letter, physicians and patients alike, contacts, Ron Weaver, director, 208-691-8471. Do not underestimate the value of this program as it will save lives and help physicians as well! They are on Facebook.


Coeur d’Alene