Saturday, December 28, 2024

TAXPAYERS: Don't owe a living

| February 7, 2016 8:00 PM

We have a television ad stating our high school graduates lack the skills required to survive the real world. Ultimately, this would fall to the taxpayers as being the responsible parties to blame.

Unlike the educators, seniors and those in the private sector didn’t receive raises or cost of living adjustments. They did receive tax increases, and colleges raise tuition rates to boost their income, while all others bite the bullet.

Although higher education was meant to give job skills to the students, it appears liberal indoctrination trumps job skills. We had a university sanction a demonstration against Jewish students in which they were insulted and told they weren’t welcome on campus.

In the past, we had petitions circulated by students and staff at a university in protest of having students attending that were using the G.I. Bill.

In Missouri, protesters falsely alleged the university president ran into a black protest leader, and stormed the library to disrupt students who wanted to study. The Dolezal-type grievances demanded that white administrators resign and admit to “White Privilege” being the problem.

Our local cupcakes have joined in with the liberal philosophy, as we have a founder of black lives matter addressing a forum at the Moscow campus. We also had our local students and teachers propose to raise cigarettes that cost $6.12 a pack another $1.50 to pay their tuition, and bypass the legislators to make sure it would go to them.

The generations change, as we had the great generation, the baby boomers, and we now have what is called the “I” generation. This generation seems to have a common theme of “why do I have to get a job and pay for my education?”

One might ask the question of how required courses in “White Privilege” would help enhance job skills and employment opportunity.

The taxpayers have loaned students $1.2 trillion in student loans, and we should wonder if it will be repaid, or if it was a wise investment given the type of education they receive.

I believe the students and taxpayers are getting hosed by those who claim to be educators, and want even more money for liberal indoctrination that precludes basic moral values of honesty and responsibility.


Santa, Idaho