Monday, September 30, 2024

The awesome power of the subconscious mind

by Gary Gregg
| August 31, 2016 9:00 PM

To become familiar with the miracle of the human mind and the human body is be acquire awesome power. This power is magical because it literally allows us to create new bodies. One that is more flexible, more fluid, more dynamic, more creative and long-lasting than you ever imagined.

In the past decade or so, there has been some fascinating research which revealed that when we have a thought, a feeling, or an emotion, our brain makes a set of chemical messages that latch onto receptive sights and cells all over our body. This connection is the material equivalent of thought. In other words, you can’t have a thought, idea, emotion or desire without these cells knowing about it.

So, for example, in terms of a weight-loss goal, when we automatically see that it is twelve noon and think, ”I’d better eat,” whether or not we are hungry or we see a chocolate donut and we immediately create a visual, gustatory or olfactory sensation in your mind about it being very desirable, the chemicals start to flow in the direction of waking up your appetite. If you are genuinely in need of a boost in your blood sugar, it can create a seemingly undeniable hunger that may be difficult to put off until real, nourishing food is available. Your conscious mind creates thoughts all the time, but they are temporary thoughts.

When researchers do a double-blind test for a new drug, some of the people get a placebo, or a plain sugar pill. Often, a high percentage of the people receiving the placebo will have the same beneficial effect as the people receiving the drug- receiving people. Why? Because these people think they are getting something that will help them and the brain sends out the proper chemicals to bring it about. As much as I am against using drugs, I do believe that this is one advantage of drugs. People think they are being helped and the sub-conscious, and subsequently the body, responds.

Our thoughts control our circumstances and we can control our thoughts.

Some of our thoughts, unfortunately, are so deeply ingrained and have remained that way for so long, that we may need professional help in changing them. Hypnosis, with a trained and experienced programmer, can help you change life-time habitual thinking and move you rapidly toward your goals.

Involuntary functions of the body, like heartbeat, breathing and heat control are automatically programmed in DNA from eons ago but even these functions can be altered by the conscious mind influencing the subconscious. Biofeedback has proven that. It was discovered long ago that the sub-conscious is even more susceptible to suggestion when the body is totally relaxed and the mind cleared of distractions.

Enter hypnosis. Hypnosis is not being weak-minded, it is not being controlled by someone else or a loss of self-control. Hypnosis is a state of heightened suggestibility, a state of deep relaxation where suggestion is accepted by the uncritical mind. If you have had a weight problem, a smoking or other habit problems, relationship or learning problems or many other areas, hypnosis may be your answer.


?Gary Gregg is a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy. For more information about Vibrant Life Center for Natural Health, call (208) 667-7444 or visit