Saturday, October 12, 2024

Chiropractic for weekend warriors

by Dr. Wendy Cunningham
| August 31, 2016 9:00 PM

Everyone knows that they need to exercise. The problem in our modern society is that we do not always take the proper time to fit exercise into our daily routine. Being inconsistent with our physical activity can lead to “weekend warrior” injuries. We lift too much weight in the gym, pack all sports activities into two afternoons, cram all our yard work into a few hours, etc.

Working out one week and skipping the next, hurried or rushed workouts, lifting with improper form, lack of training and conditioning, and poor equipment can all lead to injuries. Most of these injuries are conditions that very much belong in a chiropractic office. Chiropractors are musculoskeletal experts. We can analyze the cause of the injuries, determine which structures are involved, and figure out how to treat them. If the problem is not chiropractic in nature, we will refer you to the appropriate practitioner.

Some of the most common injuries are plantar fasciitis, ankle sprains, knee pain, shoulder pain, and Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow. The treatment for all these conditions is similar. First, physical therapy modalities such as cold laser, ultrasound, muscle stimulation and ice are used to reduce the swelling and spasms. Next, chiropractic adjustments are used to achieve and maintain proper alignment of the joints involved. If necessary, elastic taping or braces can be used for extra support. Finally, specific stretching and strengthening exercises are assigned to support the joint.

The frustrating part of these injuries is the time required for recovery. Most of the conditions mentioned have a recovery time ranging from one to four weeks. It is important to be patient with the healing process. If you push too quickly and overdo it, you risk setting yourself back in the recovery process.

As always, prevention of injuries is your best bet. Regular exercising and stretching will decrease your chance of injuries. A routine will also help to minimize the warrior mentality of thinking you have to make up all that missed time at once. Maintenance chiropractic adjustments also help to prevent injury by optimizing your body’s biomechanics.

For more information, email Dr. Wendy at