Saturday, December 28, 2024

GOP: Sad transformation

| August 26, 2016 9:00 PM

As a young and conservative college-educated voting millennial, I am appalled at the way the GOP has changed over the last few years. This party no longer reflects the traditionally conservative values of smaller government, deference to state’s rights, and fiscally responsible policy that venerates free-market capitalism. Instead, this party has shifted to reflect extreme and frankly offensive views of what American conservatism is that have been perpetuated through fear mongering in the media.

I believe in individual freedoms and individual choice, so did our founding fathers. This means that if you are gay, fine. If you want to own a gun, fine. If you want to follow a religion other than Christianity, fine. That is your choice, and that is what America and the Constitution stand for and serve to protects our right to do so.

If you truly believe that at the core of conservatism is a system of family values and modesty, how can you support Trump? He has had three wives; this is not a man who reflects the values of the Bible or America.

To grow the GOP base and to actually represent the new wave of American conservatism and changing demographics, we cannot alienate vast swaths of voting Americans because they have a different skin color or a different religious belief. America is great because of immigrants, lest I remind you all that you ancestors immigrated here for freedom and the opportunity to choose what they believe in.


Coeur d’Alene