Saturday, December 28, 2024

Your TMJ and snoring

by Dr. Donald Johnson
| August 24, 2016 9:00 PM

Snoring is a major symptom of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). And when daytime tiredness is also present with snoring OSA is almost guaranteed to be present. For a person who has OSA, breathing stops for periods of 10 seconds or longer repeatedly during the night. This interrupts the normal progression of sleep through the five stages of sleep. If the interruptions happen five times or more per hour, the patient is diagnosed with OSA. Many people don’t know that these interruptions occur and last as long as a minute and a half.

Is OSA dangerous? Yes!

It is, but the good news is — it is treatable. But one of the conditions which a patient can have prior to being diagnosed with OSA is temporomandibular disorder (TMD) which is a disorder of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The TMJ is located just in front of your ear. You may have pain there, you may have clicking or popping there, you may have a grating sound there, your jaw may lock, etc.

Treatment for OSA can be with an oral appliance or with a continuous positive air pressure (CPAP) machine. These both have the potential to either cause a TMJ problem, or make a preexisting TMJ problem worse. The patient may already have a TMJ problem prior to treatment and be completely unaware of it. This is why it is so important to have a qualified, experienced dentist fit you with an oral appliance it that is your treatment choice. This will reduce the probability of a TMJ problem occurring or getting worse. That cheap device you can get on the Internet or advertised on late night TV can be a real disaster! If it causes a TMJ problem, who will you turn to?

So if you snore, see a qualified medical practitioner and get a proper diagnosis and treatment. It can save your life because OSA has been shown to be associated with sudden cardiac death.

Snoring is so disturbing! Many couples sleep in different rooms because of it; many try earplugs which can cause a TMJ problem. Why not get the snoring treated, get a good night’s sleep together, and save your life.


Dr. Donald Johnson founded Northwest Treatment Center for Snoring & Sleep Apnea in Coeur d’Alene to help patients stop their snoring and live free with no limits! His office is at 114 W. Neider Ave., near Costco. The website for more information is and the office phone is (208) 667-4551. Schedule a free consultation appointment today!