Saturday, December 28, 2024

GROWTH: At what cost?

| August 17, 2016 9:00 PM

Look north of just about every Interstate 90 exit from Spokane eastward and new apartments are going up.

Servants quarters for the underemployed masses... Indirectly, your tax dollars at work (if you pay taxes) through socialized payrolls of underpaying private employers.

Banks won’t loan on condominium projects anymore... It’s too hard to foreclose on 200 different owners and worse, bad condo neighbors drive down values.

And too many say: ‘but that’s OK! I got my public pension I dodged taxes on with my sudden disability at retirement. I even got promoted a year before retirement to spike my pension! Life is good!’ (for the public pensioner at least).

Whatever happened to private sector pensions? Or public workers sacrificing in a life of public service? Why don’t median incomes matter anymore?

I know. Not your problem...


Post Falls