Monday, October 14, 2024

REFORM: Thanks, but no thanks

| August 5, 2016 9:00 PM

I have been hearing the word “reform” so much lately — it appears to be a favorite of liberals and the far left and I suspect, most Democrats are OK with it. It seems to have started about eight years ago. I believe Barrack Hussein Obama used it heavily in his first campaign and it was very effective — he became president — and our country and the world changed in a way that we could never envision, even in our worst nightmares. Now as I listen to Hillary and Bernie — again — it is all about “reforming” our country — the rich have become even richer and the poor are “entitled” (where did that word ever come from? Must have been a liberal — they use it a lot!) to some of that wealth. Never mind that most of those rich folks have been working their tails off — for forever. And never mind that the top 20 percent already pay about 80 percent of all taxes and the bottom 50 percent pay no taxes at all and are recipients of much of that taxed income. I’ve got news for President Obama, Hillary and Bernie — they are right, the rich are NOT paying their fair share — they are paying FAR MORE than their fair share. How about letting some of that 50 percent have a little skin in the game. Then maybe all of this free stuff would come partially out of their pockets and not all out of mine! Oh, I know, I didn’t really earn it anyway. Someone else did it for me!

So, back to “reforming” our country — they want to take the greatest country EVER! on the face of our planet and make it into something more like the rest of our world — which in most cases are disasters. Socialism simply hasn’t worked and never will work and yet President Obama, Hillary and Bernie and most liberals are certainly moving in that direction — FAST! For them, it is more than OK to take from all those who work hard and give it to all those who don’t and call it “reform!” A profound little paragraph by Dr. Adrian Rogers says it all:

“You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for it, another person must work for without receiving. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it with those who have done nothing to earn it.”

Time and time again I have heard Hillary and Bernie call for “reform” — their audiences yell and cheer — they are so excited and gleeful about all of the free stuff that they will get and they feel entitled to it! Many years ago my Dad told me that if I wanted something, then I should work for it. What a novel thought! At this point of my life, I firmly believe that the government owes me absolutely nothing — except defense against all enemies to our country, foreign and domestic, and at this point the enemies are Radical Islamic Terrorists. Oh, by the way, President Obama is failing at this responsibility and he would even take away our guns to defend ourselves if he and the liberals have their way. This is called “reform?!”

Mr. President, I have had enough of your change and “reform” and political correctness. Just leave me alone. I loved my country just the way it was. I love our United States flag and feel badly when it is being flown at half-mast so often, which sadly is due mostly to tragic and incompetent decisions by you and Hillary Clinton the past 7 ½ years. Leading from behind is simply not working. Do we have to lose our county and our freedom before you wake up? But thankfully this nightmare will come to an end in just a few more months — but wait — did someone just tell me that Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee — oh no — from the frying pan into the fire — another nightmare may just be beginning — how much more “reform” can I endure!

So folks, when you hear a liberal politician talking about “reform” or “change” and all of the good stuff that they (she) are going to give you — that you are entitled to — that someone else is going to have to pay for — think to yourself, how am I ever going to explain to my kids and grandkids why I ever voted for a person like her? She desires to transform our nation into a Socialistic society — open borders, no ID for voting — trashing Second Amendment rights — marching with and supporting Black Lives Matter movement (Black Panthers of yesteryear). Really most everything good about America she and her socialistic, liberal and Democratic friends want to “reform” in America. She has walked in lockstep with President Obama for a very long time. If you are happy with how our nation is going — 45 million on food stamps, 90-plus million out of the workforce, doubling of the national debt (more than all of the other presidents combined), pretty much open borders, loss of respect throughout the world, apologizing for American supremacy at every opportunity, racial divisions beyond belief — FOR STARTERS, then by all means, vote for Hillary.

Please take a couple of hours and go see the movie “Hillary’s America.” It is a chilling, true account of what she and the Democratic party are all about. I promise you, it will shake you to your core. It was directed by Dinesh D’Souza and NO, Michael Moore (liberal nut on climate change) does not appear. He was too busy preparing his beach-front home for the great floods that are coming due to man-made climate change, along with Secretary of State John Kerry who is warning the world that man-made climate change is more of a threat to our planet than ISIS. You know, I was just thinking, the odds of him predicting the end of the world due to man-made climate change are about as good as him predicting the timing of the return of Jesus.

Enough for now.


Coeur d‘Alene