VIRGINIA: Of criminal intent
What is happening in the state of Virginia is what is contributing to what we are seeing in many parts of the world. We are electing those running with brain disorders to offices of authority such as what we presently have representing us in Congress. What happened to those electorate that were schooled, intelligent and had a lot of common sense? The governor of Virginia, Gov. Terry McAuliffe (Dem.), stood on the steps of Virginia’s Capital and told approximately 100 present that under his sweeping executive order permitting approximately 200,000 convicted felons who will be able to vote in the coming November presidential elections. Since he is a Democrat, doesn’t that tell you either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders will gain many more votes that most elective state’s rules have ruled against permitting any felons, regardless of race or religious beliefs to cast a vote in any election.
It has always been the rule that when you commit a violent crime, commit rape, domestic abusers, commit murder, pedophiles and are convicted in a court of law of any other violent crime and labeled a felon, you are not permitted to vote from then on. Now, this clown that claims he’s the legitimate governor of Virginia and has the legitimate right to ignore common sense thinking of the people living in Virginia and side-stepping a statewide vote on this matter just to help his fellow Democrats get additional votes in the coming November presidential election. Where are the Republican voters in Virginia that should be filing legislation in the State Congress to file suit to stop such a travesty of justice from happening?
When you commit a crime and become a felon, part of the penalty for breaking the law has always been loosing your voting rights, regardless of nationality. Governor McAuliffe (Dem.) shouldn’t be allowed to dictate his authority for political gain and prestige and change a long-standing rule to promote Hillary Clinton in her presidential run for the White House even if she gets sidetracked by the jail house. Wake-up Virginia Republicans, and bring some legal action against this governor’s moves. We need to get this country straightened out instead of creating more problems to be solved and giving our criminals more services than they deserve. Wake up Virginia.
Coeur d’Alene