Sunday, May 05, 2024

LETTER: Need for rationality

| April 29, 2016 9:00 PM

Senator James E. Risch

Senator Mike Crapo

Congressman Raul Labrador


I am a 90-year-old World War II vet who has become extremely saddened and depressed at the way this country is being run. It was fairly common for many of us to refer to or consider the Central and South American countries as corrupt but the U.S. has done a remarkable job of equaling or exceeding them in the level of overall corruption.

Watching “60 Minutes” recently highlighted a situation in Washington that is disturbing and dangerous to the future of this country. We elected you and all members of Congress to govern the country in a rational manner but not to become professional panhandlers and fundraisers. Unfortunately, I believe the liberals have so infected a majority of the electorate that obtaining a majority in Congress of members who want to govern in a rational manner is no longer a reasonable expectation. I hope you will continue and increase your efforts to bring order out of chaos, although your efforts are likely to be like a drop of clear water into a huge cesspool.

Our only hope for success is for you and other rational members of Congress to do all you can to publicize this money-raising problem and attempt to get the media, print, TV and any others available, to support your efforts. I am glad I am as old as I am as will probably not be around to witness our nation decline to a third-world status.

