OPINIONS: Ignorance is a right
I would like to thank The Press for printing a diverse range of ideas — that is the First Amendment. I myself believe the Task Force on Human Rights would probably be one of the first to deny them; I would lay down my life to defend their right to voice their opinions. After all, for tyranny to flourish it only takes a few good men to do nothing. After all, one man’s trash is another man’s gold.
I did however read the opinion expressed by Reid and his sheer ignorance of our form of government. We are not a democracy, pure democracies are but organized mop rule. We are however a representative republic. Which means through elections and party rules we choose people to represent us, we give them the responsibility of making INFORMED decisions for us. If they do not represent us in a truthful or responsible way we can remove them and hire someone else. You did give away your true colors when you equated Walmart with a concentration camp. I am sure you have no idea what that is or means. If my grandmother were still alive I would have her explain what they are from first hand experience.
Next my thought is you have never read the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights. They guarantee us the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This is important: Nowhere are we guaranteed happiness or riches or peace, just the pursuit of it. Freedom is what we as human beings are granted by our founding fathers, which includes the freedom to fail. Thank God Walmart is there to give people jobs and a chance to be self-reliant, self-being the operative word. If we feel the need to help those less fortunate than us than so be it, but that is not the government’s job. Read the Constitution and Bill of Rights, it is pretty clear about the government’s responsibility also about ours as citizens. A wise man once said nothing ensures a man’s ignorance like contempt prior to investigation.
Reid, I will close by saying ignorance is not a crime, and I for one would defend your right to it with my life.