Sunday, May 05, 2024

BILL: Christ comes first

| April 13, 2016 9:00 PM

It is without exception that I take a swipe at the editor in his article published April 10, “Standing up for all the right reasons,” and his assumption that Governor Butch Otter took a difficult task in being perceived as taking a swipe at the Bible by vetoing a so-called misguided act of panderism. The editor’s perception is probably substantiated, in some cases, that lawmakers may have been trying to win points for themselves amongst evangelical Christians in their attempts at including the Bible in the public school curriculums. It does not answer the more difficult question, however, of secular indoctrination being rated superior to religious direction for a badly hurting American society fraught with ever increasing moral decay.

The governor acted cowardly and in the interest of the people, not in the rights of God. I say cowardly, specifically because he is Catholic and as a Catholic is obliged to stand up for the Social Reign of Jesus Christ, not fearing the “thundering herds of gay folk, Muslims, and darned atheists,” as the editor so eloquently proposes. I applaud the governor for standing against Protestantism but not at the expense of withholding the full Truth and solution. The governor, as a Catholic, needs to sit down with the Attorney General Lawrence Wadsen and figure out a way, not to work to further destroy our country by the elimination of religion from the classroom, but to spread the faith through encouraging true Catholic education.

The governor needs to inculcate the reign of Christ the King over society and the state from a Catholic perspective by the propagation of true Catholic schools able to teach the Bible with authority. This cannot not be left to public and Protestant schools as they are not equipped to handle such a monumental task. They simply do not possess the authority to do so.


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