Saturday, December 28, 2024

AMERICA: Unite and conquer

| April 1, 2016 9:00 PM

The deep and yawning chasm of political indifference is not only further polarizing our nation but also wedging the once perfect union further apart into a state of civil discord, growing calamity and societal decadence.

This nation is increasingly accruing in its dilapidation for good men remain derelict in their willingness to voice truth and silent in fear of reprisal for their divergent opinions that clashes with the masses who continue to follow blindly in their march in ignorance to whoever gives them the promises they wish to hear.

Our greatest fear as a nation should be in becoming a society that disavows responsibility for the knowledge of their own demise tomorrow for the sake of ephemeral feign comfort and assurance today.

We must embrace a state that is informed on the issues at hand that extends solutions and exacts the needed actions until the problem is remedied.

What are the problems?

A financially concave state that continues to exponentially compound that is crushing and degrading any hope for our future generation to prosper, develop and further grow.

A society that is unwilling to discredit the pestilential existences and presences of the disease known as political correctness that impedes any ability for constructive, open and substantive dialog to propagate forth.

A coming generation promised the American dream awakening only to the astringent reality of the nightmare it has come to be.

We must unite as a nation. We must unite as a people. We must fill in this deep chasm of indifference with understanding and compromise if we are to ever meet on middle ground of unity together.

We must together come to reforge within our own hearts and minds the founding fathers’ message for not only a more perfect union but a union which will last the test of time and come to gleam and coruscate bright for generations to come.


Coeur d’Alene