ELK: Photo brutal, negative
I am following up from a very short letter to the editor I read on Sept. 25 from Eileen Davidson.
I agree with Ms. Davidson on her take of the choice The Press made in publishing that terrible picture of the two elk. We all realize that unfortunately, every day terrible things like this happen in our life. But for The Press to decide to place the picture on the front page for their readers to see first is being a bit insensitive to the overall reader population.
I understand that there are those who would not even be bothered by such a picture. I must tell you that it did bother me and thought as Ms. Davidson did. Out of all the positive things The Press could have placed in that space, they chose to place that picture. Maybe in the future The Press might take just an extra moment and think about the impact such a brutal negative picture might have on their readers first thing in the morning.
Coeur d’Alene