Friday, October 11, 2024

Move to the right, America

by ED TORRENCE/Guest Opinion
| October 31, 2015 9:00 PM

There comes a point in time when every nation decides the course of action that will irrevocably determine their future. Their choice will either lead to peace and prosperity or to destruction. We can look at history, and also the present, and see where totalitarian governments have failed the people they rule. They have oppressed, imprisoned, and murdered those who oppose them. The wealth is gathered by the powerful and the poor suffer for want of the very necessities of life.

America is now at the crossroads where we will decide our destiny. If we take the road to the Left we will become a socialist, welfare state where everyone depends on the government for every need. Our Constitutional Rights will be “outdated” and no longer valid. At this present time about half the population supports the other half. Soon it will be more like one third supporting the other two thirds. When that occurs the economy will utterly collapse and make the Great Depression look like a picnic outing.

If we take the road to the Right we have a good chance of avoiding the catastrophic conclusion the last seven years have set us on. We are now on a collision course with total economic collapse. This will bring about starvation, death, disease, immobility, loss of housing, heating and cooling, and health care — all of epic proportion.

The USA has always been a Government of the People, by the People, and for the People. We are rapidly becoming a government of the Powerful, by the Wealthy, for the Elite — where the working class pay the bill for the rulers’ greed.

How do we take the Right road? It’s really very simple. Get off our pathetic lazy behinds and vote. We need to elect conservative people to the highest offices of the land; people who will cut spending and balance the budget. Our Federal Government is currently spending about seven million dollars per minute. Our taxes are not capable of sustaining this rate of spending so the Feds borrow from our economic adversaries and print more money with nothing of value to back it. This causes rampant inflation. That’s why any money you have saved loses its value at an alarming rate. Inflation does not come about because of rising prices. Inflation causes price increases.

When is the last time you voted? Do you think your vote is worthless? It’s that type of thinking by tens of millions of Americans that makes it a self-fulfilling prophecy. Get rid of that mindset and help us elect responsible leaders. Several of the GOP Presidential Candidates are giving their all to try and rescue our Country from the evils of impending socialism. Give them your support. Don’t be apathetic. Get your friends and family out to vote. We must not fail to protect the future of our children and grandchildren.

The Left has been in power for the last seven years. They have devastated our economy and destroyed our reputation in the world. It’s time we had the Right kind of government again. Let’s find another like Ronald Reagan for president and get rid of the institutionalized parasites of both parties in Congress, who keep caving in to the demands of an irresponsible president and forsaking the people of the United States who elected them, and whom they should be serving. Our destiny depends on it. Let’s take America back.

Ed Torrence is a Coeur d’Alene resident.