Monday, March 10, 2025

ART: It's what makes us human

| October 30, 2015 9:00 PM

Thanks to Sholeh Patrick for writing about art in her column. Being an artist and working in the arts for the past 34 years has been the most rewarding thing I could ever think of doing.

Art is what makes us human. It is most certainly cathartic and therapeutic. No one needs to be a “famous artist” to enjoy the benefits that come from creating something in the mind and passing it to the hands. It does not take a degree to find solace walking through the halls of a museum or a fine art gallery.

I find it astounding that so many people do not include art in their everyday lives, and I think about how their lives could change if they did (in fact) find the time to explore the wonderful visions that art (of any kind) has to offer. For me, art opens my mind and my heart. It gives me a place to go every day that I can call my own.

Art can relate a serious message, or create a smile, fill me with laughter, or bring me to tears. Whatever its form — music, literature, poetry or paintings — it touches the emotions and makes one alive.


Coeur d’Alene