Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Carousel Foundation gets lease agreement

by DAVID COLE/Staff writer
| October 10, 2015 9:00 PM

COEUR d'ALENE — The Coeur d’Alene City Council this week approved a property lease agreement with the Coeur d’Alene Carousel Foundation for a space near the Memorial Field grandstand.

The foundation needs the 3,200 square feet of property to set up and operate the original Playland Pier Carousel. The foundation will have to construct a building to house the historic carousel.

“To me, in my heart, you know how Memorial Field is kind of my baby,” Steve Anthony, the city parks and recreation director, told the council prior to the vote. “If I didn't feel this fit into Memorial, for our history to the area, I wouldn't be such a strong supporter.”

He said the field and carousel will complement each other. The carousel would be in operation from April to October each year.

“That’s pretty much what we felt was the season people come to Coeur d’Alene,” Anthony said.

Rita Sims-Snyder, the nonprofit foundation’s spokeswoman, told the council this is the perfect location.

“It has high visibility, it’s near water, has ease of access, parking and a park setting,” Sims-Snyder said. "Northwest Boulevard is the entrance to our city.”

She promised that the operators wouldn't violate city noise ordinances.

“Our intentions are just permanent placement of this piece of art and history,” Sims-Snyder said.

The lease, unanimously approved, is for 15 years and will cost the foundation $100 annually. The foundation must build up a $60,000 endowment, providing at least three years’ worth of operating capital, before breaking ground.

The foundation has been waiting to officially settle on a location for the carousel to help spur fundraising. Local benefactor Bud Ford has offered to match up to $500,000 until Dec. 31.

John and Pat Foote gifted the carousel to the community.

During the public comment portion of Tuesday’s council meeting, some Fort Grounds neighborhood residents complained that the carousel would be noisy.

“Noise is not going to be an issue here,” Mayor Steve Widmyer said. “Not much beyond the grandstand there, you’re not going to be able to hear any of the noise from there.”

Donations can be sent to the Coeur d’Alene Carousel Foundation at P.O. Box 170, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83816.