Saturday, October 05, 2024

IMMIGRANTS: U.S. punishes the legitimate

| October 7, 2015 9:00 PM

It breaks my heart and infuriates me to read about the way our government is cruelly manipulating the thousands of educated and highly skilled legal immigrants who have spent years trying to become citizens of this country. They have followed all the rules and have made tremendous sacrifices, both financially and emotionally, to become citizens and permanent residents, yet Washington has provided an open door (albeit a back door) policy for the MILLIONS of ILLEGAL immigrants who are usurping government benefits, breaking laws with impudence, committing crimes and living off OUR tax dollars with Washington’s blessing. Does it not seem ironic that our government is doing its best to discourage the very people we should be WELCOMING into our country, and welcoming those we should be doing everything in our power to DISCOURAGE?

Sorry for the caps, but like I said, I’m outraged! Our government is a travesty and I am ashamed of what America has become.


Coeur d’Alene