Saturday, December 28, 2024

NOISE: Please keep it down

| October 4, 2015 9:00 PM

I feel Dalton Gardens is on the right track with a noise curfew ordinance, like 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Most people still think this is still the norm. What we need is a county-wide noise curfew ordinance. We can and should bring the nightly noise level down again.

When did being over 50 terminate your civil rights? Why do the perpetrators rights mean more than those being victimized? Why do the young police force treat the elderly/disabled/handicapped human beings-as not worth listening to or believing? Or worthy of any civil rights — or make us feel like we are bothering them and wasting their time? Do you feel victimized twice when you report or ask for help?

Yes, the world has gotten much louder, and humans who work at night should be given the respect of sleep when they need. But there are a lot of up all night and do nothing all day rude noise makers who should be held responsible.

Sleep is the most important health issue to a better mind, productivity and life.

Please, consider what a good night’s sleep means to you.

Just tired of being tired,


Post Falls