ISIS: Their power is limited
I am writing about the terrorist attacks on Paris, as you know the ISIS group is a very dangerous group of people. I am going to talk to you about them and how we can stop them.
The attackers claim it is in their religion to kill other innocent people; their excuse is that they are Muslims but that is something that is giving Muslims around the world a bad name. Even though I don’t agree with most of the stuff they believe that doesn’t make them bad people. The terrorists are very sick to the brain. And they are not Muslims.
The way we can stop them is to not even worry about them — that is exactly what they want. We worrying is just giving them more power. If they were in a real battle they wouldn’t know what to do. The only reason why we worry about them is because they blow stuff up; it is not because they are strong or good with guns. I’m not saying they aren’t dangerous, I am just saying the only reason they are feared is because they can blow things up.
7th grade
Post Falls Middle School