Monday, October 14, 2024

ISLAM: Bloodlust is its nature

| November 20, 2015 8:00 PM

In the coming months and years, no issue will divide America like the schism we face involving Islam. I have never seen such ignorance in any area of political debate so complete as the utter and total lack of desire of the American people to understand or even approach with an open and scientific mind the true nature of Islam.

Islam has two faces. The first is a face of pious religion that masquerades as a misunderstood religion worshiping God along with the Jewish and Christian religion, and the second face is that of a bloodthirsty cult that requires the death or enslavement of all who do not capitulate to it, especially those who worship God. The first is a thin veneer, and the second is the true nature of Islam.

There have been almost a thousand Islam-instigated battles over the last 1,400 years as Islam fought to use violence to expand their controlled territory and force conversion on others, killing or enslaving anyone who resisted. I have to admit, I am impressed at their audacious use of playing the victim card while their compatriots are burning victims alive, throwing homosexuals off buildings and beheading innocent children of other religions. They even claim religious justification for raping their conquest and the media gives them a free pass.

While the establishment media continue to try to claim that these daily acts are somehow an aberration of a peaceful religion, I am forced to ask, at the risk of “Goodwining” the topic, how is that different that the Germans turning their back on the atrocities committed on the gays, persons of African decent and Jews in Hitler’s Germany?

I once saw a documentary on a woman who had worked for Hitler’s SS in the war, and she was devastated by her realization after the war at what she had been complacent to. What are you willing to be complacent with?


Kootenai County