Saturday, December 28, 2024

CLIMATE: What to accept, reject

| November 20, 2015 8:00 PM

To quote Anne Nesse (Press Nov. 18) “The world’s temperature is increasing, CO2 levels are increasing, deserts are expanding and shortages of fresh water are occurring. All of these effects are related to human’s impact on the Earth.” In talking about “climate change” or “global warming” I think it is important to distinguish between what is normal and natural weather and what is man caused “anthropogenic.” For thousands of years the climate of the Earth has changed. And, the Earth has warmed, but not over the past 18 years. She says that more than 300 scientists were perfectly united in the above. Now I doubt all 300 were climate scientists, since Anne is obviously not.

I think it interesting that few Republicans have accepted the theory of cataclysmic global warming, few geologists, and few Christians because they see these events happening often over the thousands of years that man has been on the Earth.

It is not the number in agreement that is important, but the facts of the matter. I am told that it is very hard to find anyone who believes in anthropogenic global warming who will debate the matter with true climate scientists. Look on the Internet under climate deniers and you will find many scientists who are working on various aspects of the field of climate. You might be surprised at the qualifications of these scientists.

It is not how many believe something that makes it important but what they believe. Look at the number of predicted cataclysms in the past that never happened from salmonella in eggs, listeria in cheese, BSE in beef, dioxins in poultry, the Millennium Bug, DDT and others. Just one, the elimination of DDT, has resulted in millions of deaths in the undeveloped world.

It is good to be concerned about our environment, but important to keep things in perspective. Yes, the sea is rising, but it is not going to flood the Earth any time soon. And if environmentalists truly believed what they said, they would ride bicycles and live in mud huts.

Take time to check out the facts and don’t just depend on the numbers who agree on certain theoretical considerations. A lie oft repeated is still a lie.


Coeur d’Alene