Monday, October 14, 2024

Tired of skin spots?

by RNLinda Owsley
| November 11, 2015 8:00 PM

Our skin is our largest organ and creates a barrier from all environmental insults. Free radicals and exposure to UVA and UVB light creates premature aging and hyperpigmentation of the skin. Hyperpigmentation is the darkening or discoloration of our skin caused by damaged melanocytes.

While there are several products recommended to reduce pigment, one must commit to wearing sunscreen every day to prevent further damage. Everyone should be applying a full spectrum sun block daily, rain or shine.

The best way to avoid hyperpigmentation is to avoid UV exposure, but for those that are suffering from hyperpigmentation, there is hope. But this takes time. It didn’t appear overnight and it requires a commitment to repair.

The New Brightening System has all the products you need to prevent, protect against, and correct hyperpigmentation. With a simple four-step application (plus sunscreen) you can fight your pigment from home.

An effective antioxidant is the first thing that should go on your skin in the morning. It should be applied once a day on a clean, dry face. The Retexturing Activator will help exfoliate and hydrate your skin and will be applied twice daily. Then the Advanced Pigment Corrector is applied.

Until you acclimate to the products, you should avoid adding the retinol step until you have been on the other products without irritation for 3-4 weeks. Begin applying once a day, three days a week. Always finish your morning regimen with a sun block before applying make-up.

Those of you with severe pigmentation should consider enhancing your home care with corrective peels at the doctor’s office at 2-3 week intervals.

Bear in mind, it is always recommended to withhold topical retinols for one week before any professional peel, and adhere to post procedure home care following them.

For an in-depth evaluation of your skin, schedule a free skin analysis with Kelsey by calling Owsley Plastic Surgery (208) 664-0165 today!