Saturday, October 12, 2024

ADLER: God gave OK for guns

| May 31, 2015 9:34 PM

This is in response to Dr. David Adler. I wasn’t at the library when he gave his speech so I didn’t hear it right from the horse’s (or should I say jackass’s) mouth. But I read it in The Press and could not believe what I read.

He is trying to make Americans think we have no real right to have a gun to protect ourselves. Are we all to hand in our guns new? I bet ISIS would love that!

For Christians, we hold God’s word supreme over any man made laws, rules or constitution. God tells us in Joel 3:10 to beat our plowshares into swords and our pruning hooks into spears. He will not leave us defenseless.

We have a God given right to protect ourselves. Just because our President is making our military defenseless doesn’t mean we are to lay down our guns and go like sheep to the slaughter.


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