Sunday, October 06, 2024

CHRISTIANS: Are being persecuted

| May 6, 2015 9:00 PM

I am a bit confused. We are removing God from our schools, work places and public places. Even at the recent National Prayer Breakfast, our president put Him in His place rather than praising Him and giving Him the honor and glory He deserves for all of creation and the wonderment of all He is!

Christians are being persecuted throughout the United States and the world. Our religious rights are being taken from us so that others may have the right to do whatever they want with whomever they want — and if any of this is against our Christian religious views and we object, we must certainly be racists or hateful people or both. And oh yes, it is OK to murder more than a million unborn babies a year and call it a woman’s right to choose.

So — the thing that really confuses me is when President Obama makes major speeches, he will usually end them with “… and may God bless the American people and may God bless the United States of America.” Am I missing something or what? Why would God even think of blessing America and why would our president have the audacity to even ask Him to?! Oh well. God indeed is still in control, so I will just wait to see how all of this works out for us.

It now appears our friends are now our enemies — our enemies are now our friends — good has become bad and bad is now good. I may just not have to wait that long!


Coeur d’Alene