Monday, October 07, 2024

IDFG fisheries managers prepare for 2015 Chinook salmon season

by Idaho Department of Fish and Game
| March 5, 2015 8:00 PM

COEUR d'ALENE - A few weeks from now, the first Chinook salmon on their way to Idaho will begin their journey from the Pacific Ocean to the fresh water streams of the Gem State.

Even though none of those fish are expected to arrive in Idaho until sometime in May, anglers are already inquiring about the upcoming seasons.

Preseason data suggest this year's run of spring and summer Chinook will be comparable to last year's with a couple of notable exceptions.

Managers are expecting a significant increase in the number of summer Chinook returning to the trap and weir on the South Fork Salmon River.

And while the number of hatchery Chinook returning to Idaho this spring and summer will be slightly smaller than last year, the number of wild Chinook passing Lower Granite Dam is expected to be the largest since the historic run of 2001.

During a meeting of the Fish and Game Commission in Boise on March 24, fisheries managers will present proposals for seasons on the Clearwater River and its tributaries, as well as the lower Salmon River, the Little Salmon River and the Snake River.

By the end of April, managers expect approximately 50 percent of the spring Chinook headed for the Rapid River Hatchery near Riggins will have passed Bonneville Dam, the first of eight dams salmon pass on the way back to Idaho.

Because some of these fish carry passive integrated transponder tags, commonly called PIT tags, this will be the time for managers to re-evaluate the run, analyze additional data and make any adjustments they might deem necessary for the spring Chinook season.

Commissioners will tentatively consider proposals for the South Fork Salmon River and upper Salmon fisheries at their meeting on May 20 in Lewiston.

By that date, only 25 percent of summer Chinook headed for the South Fork Salmon will have passed Bonneville Dam.

In recent years, 50 percent of the summer Chinook headed for the South Fork Salmon River have crossed Lower Granite Dam by mid-June.