Monday, October 07, 2024

LEVY: Reasons to vote against

| March 4, 2015 8:00 PM

Our public schools have again asked us for a levy. Again, they are claiming they need it to improve our schools. There is no doubt our schools need improvement. Idaho is near the bottom in schools around the nation. However, they have asked for money to improve the schools many times before, and we have said yes every time, but there has been no improvement.

Obviously our schools are not managing the money we give them wisely. All they have to do is ask for it, using the “Vote yes for kids” guilt trip, and they get it. If we are honestly interested in improving our schools, let’s start with what is being taught, like teaching truth in history, not multiculturalism, basic mathematics, not the new common core nonsense.

Let’s go back to what worked, not some newfangled idea that is just an experiment. Let’s ask for some progress in actual education first before we give more money. I urge you to vote no on this levy. Of course, if you are fine with wasting your money on a project that will never be successful, then, by all means, vote yes.

