Monday, October 14, 2024

Skin care and the aging process

by BsnRN
| June 17, 2015 9:00 PM

As we age, gravity takes its toll, spots begin to appear, we lose volume and our skin becomes more dull. A regular skin care regimen is pertinent to aging gracefully. The first and most important step in defense is sunscreen! UVA and UVB rays from the sun speed up the aging process and can lead to wrinkling, age spots, spider veins, and even melanoma. Sunscreen, especially a "physical" block, meaning one that contains titanium dioxide or zinc oxide, are the best for preventing harmful rays.

Next. using a vitamin A derivative, such as retinol, can help to reverse any damage that has already been done. Topical retinoids help to fill in fine lines and wrinkles and brighten your complexion. They also help to slow collagen breakdown. Other antioxidants such as vitamins C and E can help to block the harmful effects of free radicals. Antioxidants are found naturally in sweet potatoes, cherries, spinach and many other superfoods. There are also many skin care products containing these age fighting antioxidants, such as our SkinCeutical line.

Lastly, adding moisture to your skin can help it retain water, making it look more dewy and youthful. Moisturizers should be applied every day. There are many different moisturizers to suit each skin type. Contrary to popular belief, even oily skin should be moisturized. In fact, excess oil production can occur if your skin is not being properly moisturized.

Come see us at Owsley Plastic Surgery for a complimentary consultation! (208) 664-0165.

Owsley Plastic Surgery is proud to have Kaarene Parker RN, BSN, as our Skin Care and Laser Consultant. She graduated third in her nursing class from WSU and has been trained on the line of SkinCeutical chemical peel products. She is known for her expertise in skincare and rejuvenation. Let Kaarene help you with your skin and aging needs!