Monday, October 07, 2024

Time for immigration endgame

by MIKE JOYCE/Guest opinion
| June 13, 2015 9:00 PM

Recently the Press reported on efforts of people in surrounding areas who want to protect their open spaces from the sprawl of tract houses, condos, rental complexes and the related businesses which are headed their way. There was also an article with a vivid photo depicting the terrible plight of thousands of human beings who are trying to escape severe overpopulation and the related poverty, pollution, oppression, wars, etc. They are so desperate to survive the terrors of severe overpopulation that they trust the lives of their families to the open seas, on old overcrowded boats, and to the help of strangers. Another article told of the noble and inspiring efforts of people who have been saving children from tragic lifetimes in severely overpopulated, polluted and oppressed countries.

During the birth of our republic, James Madison made a wise observation and stated that the United States has not reached the stage of a closely-peopled Europe, where the propertied and the poor are natural enemies. When I think about our immigration policies I think about an age-old tactic for dividing, conquering and enslaving people. That tactic is this: Take away people's dreams, goals and hopes and they are easily divided and controlled. Before the 1965 immigration reform legislation, we went from taking in about 250,000 immigrants a year to taking in twice the number of immigrants as the rest of the world combined. Now our great republic is headed toward a population of 400 million plus by 2050 and growing. The endgame to our representatives taking in immigrants from severely overpopulated countries, which are continuing to propagate themselves further into the overpopulated, polluted, ignorance, fear and apathy riddled dark ages, will not help our global brothers and sisters, the environment, or our children's future. It will only turn our country into a severely overpopulated, polluted, divided, oppressed, ignorant, fearful and apathy riddled country. Who will benefit from that situation?

How about an immigration program with an endgame of protecting our standard of living, environment, freedom and our children's future; an immigration program with an endgame that will also lead to a world where no more will our global brothers and sisters have to leave their families, friends and homelands to survive? We are all in the same boat and it is not getting any larger. We must realize that if any of our children are going to truly enjoy life, all of the world's children will have to smile together. The citizens of the United States need their representatives to secure the borders immediately, while they ask the citizens of Planet Earth to join the citizens of the United States in a war against the real, common and deadly enemy of humankind; an enemy that left unchecked will destroy the future that belongs to all the children of humankind. That enemy is the entwined crippling factors of overpopulation, ignorance, fear and apathy.

When we factor in instant global communications, humankind's amazing technology, a trillion-dollar war between people budget and the awesome force of freedom unchained when people unite with realistic goals founded on respect, love and hope, we find that creating world peace is an attitude issue. With a goal of saving the open spaces and rising to the rescue of the children of humankind, what small percent of our leaders war between people budgets will it take to make contraceptives available to everyone on Planet Earth. What small percent will it take to promote, on a daily basis, to all the citizens of Planet Earth, the bright and hopeful future at hand for all the children of humankind, and all life in our care, with a stable population and the channeling of the trillions of dollars spent on wars between people into cleaning up the oceans, lakes and rivers; and saving the whales, elephants, bees, etc; and converting to natural energy and natural food and building schools, hospitals, etc. When the wondrous and beautiful alternatives to overpopulation and our leaders huge war between people budgets are the topic of the day and the fuel for the dreams of humankind, a united, free, clean and hopeful world will be in sight for all the children of humankind. When hope gains momentum over apathy it will not take long.

During the time of our revolution for independence, Thomas Paine, a great patriot of all the people, wrote Common Sense. 'Common Sense' applied the universal forces of reason, common sense, respect, love and hope to the dire need for our revolution for independence to succeed. George Washington read Common Sense to the troops and most Americans read Common Sense. When hope for freedom gained momentum over apathy, a great republic called the United States of America was established. Thomas Paine wrote: "These proceedings may at first appear strange and difficult, but like all other steps which we have already passed over, will in a little time become familiar and agreeable, and until an independence is declared, the continent will feel itself like a man who continues putting off some unpleasant business from day to day, yet knows it must be done, hates to do it, wishes over it and is continually haunted with the thoughts of its necessity." Now is the time to press the point that until independence from overpopulation is declared, humankind, our Mother Earth and all life in our care will continue to suffer greatly.

Mike Joyce is a resident of Coeur d'Alene.