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High-stakes lobbying on Iran deal; pressure for Congress

| July 20, 2015 9:00 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) - Israel's ambassador to the United States raced in and out of offices on Capitol Hill, trying to persuade lawmakers that the nuclear deal with Iran is a historic mistake.

On the other side, liberal groups ramped up the pressure, warning of political consequences for Democrats who undermine the agreement and casting opposition as a vote for war.

The lobbying fight is on over the pact that the U.S. and other world powers just signed with Iran. The State Department said Sunday it had submitted the agreement to Congress, kicking off a 60-day review period today.

Multimillion-dollar ad campaigns are underway by politically influential groups in each camp. Some echo the views of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a staunch opponent of the agreement with Iran, which has threatened to annihilate his nation.

Vice President Joe Biden was on Capitol Hill twice last week for arm-twisting sessions with Democrats. Secretary of State John Kerry and Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz - key U.S. negotiators - are set to brief lawmakers this week, and they blanketed the Sunday news shows. 'I hope there are enough minds still open, ready to consider this on its merits, that could be persuaded," Kerry told "Fox News Sunday."

President Barack Obama used his weekend radio address to try to counter what he predicted would be "a lot of overheated and often dishonest arguments" in the weeks ahead about the agreement, and he sent Defense Secretary Ash Carter to talk with officials in Israel as well as Jordan and Saudi Arabia, U.S. allies whose leaders also are worried about the deal's implications.

Think tanks are releasing reams of reports and analyses. Experts on nuclear weapons and foreign policy are testifying at committee hearings. Right-wing radio hosts are using the airways to condemn Obama for what they say was his caving in to a country that supports terrorist groups. Peace groups are shouting their support.