Monday, October 14, 2024

Nothing to get incited about

by FRANK ORZELL/Guest Opinion
| July 15, 2015 9:00 PM

Isn't it interesting how frequently items in the daily news tend to repeat previous events and happenings? (History does repeat itself.)

A recent event in our community brings to mind what was a pivotal point in our American history; a sequence of events that could have turned out very differently and shaped our lives in a far different way.

In the last half of the 18th century, King George III of England was a man convinced he knew what was best for his subjects both in England and in the land to the West known as America. It was his right to tax his subjects whatever he desired, without their having a voice on the matter. He could not imagine that taxation without representation could have been the cause that angered the Colonists. Repeatedly, he and his closest advisors discussed among themselves how they could overcome the ignorance of the Colonists. "If only they knew how much good we do for them, our using their tax money without their consent would cease to fuel their rioting, and we could go back to selling our tea and rum at outlandish prices."

Then, as if on cue, a shipment of tea to the Colonies became a party in Boston Harbour and the King's precious cargo became a treat for the fish. "Oh, what to do" lamented the King and his advisers. If only they had called upon Range North Central London for help. Poor King George! Apparently, neither he nor his council were very astute in matters of business, and in fact even were known at times to come up short in matters of common sense.

If only Range NCL were available to respond. They probably would have produced a video for distribution to the Colonies telling about the purchase of wonderful art for Windsor Castle. (Who cares that there were not many TV sets in those days.) That would certainly satisfy them. And, Range NCL would have many other follow-on services that would provide them with an almost endless stream of paid work. They could do a survey that would provide the launch pad for future contracts. They would hand-pick some 600 Colonists who would assure the appropriate responses. And, they would even come up with the absolutely brilliant conclusion that it was the name of the organization that was the problem. Just change the name from King George III to something catchy such as "Incite USA." First rate, chap! That will take their minds off this taxation thing.

Ah, Yes! That will do it. And it will provide a steady stream of income for Range NCL. Just think, the King would need help to affect the name change, and to make it a household word in the Colonies. Then, another video... then messaging... maybe we could even get "Incite USA" into consumer products. The King and his Council have already approved about a hundred thousand shillings for services; the sky's the limit! And the taxpayers would have been so happy with the new name, so happy paying taxes to the king without recourse, without complaint. (Are the Greeks really considering an "Incite Athens"?)

Frank Orzell is a Coeur d'Alene resident.