Thursday, October 10, 2024

CDA: Great people, good for dogs

| July 12, 2015 9:00 PM

So many good people: Helping lost dogs in the middle of the road often seems to be one of my missions in life. The one time that I was too busy to help a small chihuahua puppy, on a cold morning in Green Bluff, I was saddened the next day to see a sign, “Lost Chihuahua Puppy.”

Last Friday, I found dog No. 4 to rescue, scared and trotting down the middle of Atlas Road. As is often the case, the little black and white pug was too scared to come to my coaxing, but instead continued, once again, into traffic. That is when the bright light of “Goodness” shined on our community. At one point, with traffic stopped in all directions, no fewer than 10 drivers were trying to rescue this sweet but scared puppy.

There are so many good people here in our beautiful community.

Finally, after 10 minutes, I was able to run beside and pick up the darling pug. I knew those who loved her would soon be out looking for her, so with water, shade and a box sign (“Lost Dog”), I tied her, gently, to a fire hydrant at the corner of Atlas and Evergreen.

Two hours later she was gone. Two days later the box was back with a note. “Thank you so much.” That thanks is extended to all the drivers who tried to help. We are so lucky to live here with so many GOOD PEOPLE.


Coeur d’Alene