Sunday, October 13, 2024

COURT: With whom do you side?

| July 10, 2015 9:00 PM

Christians, it is very obvious our government is not righteous. The “law” makers in Washington are not righteous or “good,” nor do they attempt to be. They no longer hide their disdain for God nor how ignorant they think we are.

Recent Supreme Court decisions make that very, very obvious. Right now, this very moment we as Christians must make a decision. That decision is this: Do I stand with God, or do I stand with man? It is that simple. Are you going to allow men and women to define what is moral and righteous, or are you going to stand by God and live by the standards He set? It is time to make that decision and to stand by it. Not only must we stand by it, we must be bold in our declaration that we live by our faith in Jesus Christ and that we live by the standards God, the creator of everything, the Father of Jesus Christ our Savior set forth for us to live by, and that we, as Christians, refuse to live by relative moral codes that change and shift with time depending on what is popular in Hollywood or on television, or by who is in power.

I ask you now, Christians; do you stand by man, or do you stand by God? Jesus said, those who deny Him before men, He will deny before God. Now is the time we will be tested in our faith. Be bold in Jesus.

