Sunday, October 06, 2024

TRAPPING: F&G fails in its duties

| July 8, 2015 9:00 PM

Idaho Department of Fish and Game recently announced its new “solution” to body-gripping traps in Idaho requiring a mandatory trapper’s education course. The commission stated that they believe that, “A change in trapping rules would be too restrictive” for trappers.

Even with these new dynamics in place, there is no oversight. They simply pay the money….take the class…and then do whatever they please because no one is the wiser.

Fish and Game claims that “the two dogs” killed in the conibear trap were isolated incidents when in fact, many pets that come up “missing” are not reported simply because no one knows what happened to them — and no one ever will — if they were caught in a trap.

The fear is struggling to remember how to release your dog from a conibear as you frantically watch the life being choked out of him. It is the fear that if he survives, he will be maimed for life. It is the fear of having to reign your pets in with a leash when taking a hike in the woods or suddenly wondering where your cat is. Fear is the greatest thief of joy when there is a constant worry of “where are the traps?”

Bird and dog hunters also pay Fish and Game for their permits to hunt their dogs in our forests and on our lakes. Why should dog hunters shoulder the risk of losing one of their dogs when the trapper shoulders nothing? Maybe the dogs should take the MANDATORY TRAPPER’S EDUCATION CLASS so they, too, can learn how to avoid traps and snares!

These classes are nothing more than a Band-Aid on this problem. No matter how much you whitewash trapping with classes and videos, the problem still equates to suffering, stress, death and misery for the general population and to wildlife. Trapping has outlived its welcome in Idaho and continues to clash with everyday Idahoans, yet the Fish and Game chooses to stay out of touch and continue to shore up Idaho trappers.


Benewah County