Wednesday, October 09, 2024

IRONMAN: Thanks to all volunteers

| July 5, 2015 9:00 PM

During Sunday’s Ironman competition I had the complete honor to interface with some of the best the community has to offer. True heroes braving the heat alongside all the athletes, willing to selflessly serve, encourage, and support us all as we pursued our quest of 140.6 miles.

There were angels with ice water to pour on our backs and encouraging words when we were losing the battle with the heat. There were folks doing the thankless but vital duties of setting up aid stations, controlling traffic, providing security and medical assistance, helping us to simply change our clothes all while keeping an eye on our condition and being there to answer the endless questions and emergent events (... HELP! I can’t find my left sock). I cannot begin to compute the total number of volunteer hours that were sacrificed on our behalf, but I would like to personally thank all who gave of their time so that our experience would be safer, more comfortable and more memorable.

Thank you, Ironman volunteers. Your service and contribution was significant, and most appreciated.

