Friday, October 25, 2024

OBAMA: Positive for America

| January 25, 2015 8:00 PM

Recent headlines: “Job Growth in 2014 was Strongest in 15 Years;” ”Fewer delaying medical care” thanks to ACA “10 million Americans newly insured;” “Stocks surge, Oil prices plunge, Auto sales up;” “Unemployment at new low of 5.6%;” “U.S Economy Posts its Strongest Growth Since 2003;” “U.S. Manufacturing Index Up;” “2014 Federal Deficit under Obama, lowest since 2008 at 2.8% of GDP.”

Yet, as the Republicans take over Congress, their primary goal appears to be undoing everything Obama has accomplished. And, they have already voted yes to Wall Street favors, yes to taking money away from the disabled. And yes to favors for big oil, although one wonders if they’ll raise gasoline prices in order to make Keystone economically feasible. No to Cuba, no to immigrants, no to affordable health care, no to a livable minimum wage. One wonders if they actually want to do something positive for all America, or only for their base.

In his State of the Union speech Barack Obama talked of income equality and of his plans to strengthen the middle class. And, wonder of all wonders: Mitt Romney promised last week (he’s campaigning) he will focus on income inequality, poverty and opportunity for all people. Wow, is compassion really coming to the GOP? I, however, as a middle-income taxpaying contributor to our economy, who was defined by Romney as part of the 47 percent, remain skeptical.


Coeur d’Alene