Monday, October 28, 2024

Taxpayers to spend $457K for gay marriage legal bills

| January 16, 2015 8:00 PM

BOISE (AP) - Idaho's Constitutional Defense Fund committee has approved the latest round of legal bills in Idaho's court fight over gay marriage.

The panel - consisting of the governor, attorney general, House Speaker and President Pro Tem - unanimously voted to pay roughly $401,000 to the winning side's attorney fees and printing costs. Members then voted 3-1 to pay $55,000 for outside counsel to appeal Idaho's gay marriage case to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and U.S. Supreme Court.

Attorney General Lawrence Wasden was the sole vote against paying for outside counsel, saying his office was well-equipped to handle the cases and it was unnecessary for the state to pay the high price of private attorneys.

Gay marriage has been legal in Idaho since October 15.

The fund's current balance is $1.7 million; last year lawmakers transferred $1 million into the account.