Tuesday, October 15, 2024

KHS: Dogs getting walked plenty

| January 2, 2015 8:00 PM

Dear Jan DeSantis,

I am very appreciative that you worry about our animals at Kootenai Humane Society. Their welfare is our heartfelt mission and I am glad it matters to you as well. As the volunteer coordinator for KHS it is my job to make sure that the dogs are walked every day, the thrift store is staffed, the front desk is manned with phone coverage, and that I have volunteers for maintenance and outreach events.

I am not sure where you got your misinformation but it distresses me that you worried needlessly about it. Last month we logged 256.5 volunteer hours for dog walking alone. Our goal is that every dog gets out for at least a 20-minute walk every single day and we have easily exceeded this goal. It saddens me to think that our 175 active volunteers who come out so dedicatedly day after day are not getting the recognition they deserve for the amazing job they do.

If someone would like to volunteer to help us, our major needs are for front desk reception and staffing the thrift store, which are, admittedly, understaffed. Jan, since it has been several years since you donated an hour of your time, we invite you out for a tour to see all the changes we have made. Anyone else interested in volunteering can visit our website and click on the volunteer tab to apply.

We are extremely grateful to those who volunteer for us. We couldn’t do it without them and luckily we have never had to try. KHS has had another record-breaking year finding homes for almost 3,000 animals.


Volunteer coordinator

Kootenai Humane Society