Saturday, December 28, 2024

TREES: Something fishy on dike road

| February 18, 2015 8:00 PM

I never thought I’d see an actual political cover-up in Coeur d’Alene but, it seems that we have spin masters to equal Washington, D.C.

Kootenai Environmental Alliance was in negotiations with the Army Corps of Engineers about the dike road trees long before the city got involved. A group was formed and came up with a plan to save the trees and satisfy the Federal government. The City Engineer took it upon himself to negate the agreed upon plan and do as he saw fit. All you have to do is walk the dike road to see the results.

Spokesmen from the city claimed some trees were diseased yet, if you read the forestry report there is no mention of diseased trees. Another lame excuse was some trees were disturbed by having the tree next to it cut down. That may well be in the forest but not when trees are removed by arborists in a very controlled situation.

So now we are left with unnecessary destruction of a once beautiful area which has always attracted people and no one is at fault? No mater what kinds of smoke and mirrors the city decides to use, the fact remains the City Engineer chose not to follow the plan agreed upon by KEA and city residents and butchered the trees on the dike road. The city of Coeur d’Alene is sorely wanting in the balance here and at the least should put forth a public apology to it’s citizens.

