Tuesday, October 15, 2024

HOMELESS: A cause to abandon

| February 18, 2015 8:00 PM

Friends, Coeur d’Aleneians, taxpayers, lend me your eyes. I write not to praise the homeless cause but to bury it. The good that St. Vincent/Fresh Start does is dwarfed by the evil that lives after it. Much praise is heaped on its leaders and much money granted its industry. Yet the program to end homelessness only grows our homeless.

More and more young bums walk our streets, professional transients use our public resources; crime is up and the feeling of safety is down. Of course these are honorable men, these charitable leaders of the homeless industry, very honorable men. But they do not know the evil they’re doing good brings after it.

Citizens of Coeur d’Alene, hear me, please! They deserve not praise, but censure. These men have visited a pestilence on our once safe and clean community.


Coeur d’Alene