Saturday, October 12, 2024

Fifty shades of green for abuse victims

| February 18, 2015 8:00 PM

There's been much debate over the book series and just-released major motion picture, "Fifty Shades of Grey," among women in particular. I've not read the books and have no intention of watching the movie because there are simply more compelling books and movies on my list of things to read and see when I find precious time to do either.

A conversation over the weekend with one of my three adult daughters, mother of our 18-year-old grandson, brought home all that's wrong with the Fifty Shades franchise. Said Melani, 43, "I thought I might be the only woman in the country who hasn't read "Fifty Shades of Grey" and has no interest in seeing the movie. Call me crazy but stalking, manipulation, bondage and psychological abuse is not love. I certainly don't want my son to think any of those themes are 'relationship goals.' I've been happily married for almost two decades without any of those control tactics from my husband."

In America we all have choices on how we spend our book-buying and movie-going dollars and for that I'm grateful. I'm also grateful for those in our communities who work with abused and battered women and their families. My suggestion is to make a donation to one of those agencies in the amount you would have spent buying the book or seeing the movie. Call the North Idaho Violence Protection Center, 664-9303, or the Victim Services Unit of the Post Falls Police Department, 773-1080.

Social media in the afterlife? According to Facebook I can select someone to manage my account after I'm gone. A legacy contact is the person you designate to post on your timeline, respond to new friend requests and update your profile picture. If you don't want a Facebook account after you pass away, you can request to have your account permanently deleted.

So now there's something else to add to "getting your affairs in order."

It's easy on these sunny snowless days to think of the boys of summer. On Saturday the Prairie American Legion Baseball players and parents will hold a pancake feed to support the program in their upcoming season. Serving from 8-11 a.m. at the American Legion in Post Falls, on Poleline and Syringa, the breakfast is $7 per person, $5 for senior citizens. Families up to five members just $25. Info: Jacque, 641-9503 or Cindy, 625-0864.

Happy Birthday today to Jill Monroe, Steve Shepperd, Susie Bingham, Pershia Moser, Abbie Nowland and Diana Raugust (70!). Celebrating birthdays tomorrow are Amy Boni, Teri Nipp, Rebekah Newbry, Samantha Kraack, Helga Wernicke, Julia Jaworski and Rob Colvin.

On Friday Rick Seward turns 85 years young, sharing a birthday with Ron Ouren, Maycie Goodlander, Barb Eveland, Phil Romans and Jared White. Saturday birthday girls are Megan Lee, Paige Watkins and Donna Pfeiffer.

On Sunday Mark Sales, Tami Crawford, Billie Jo Campbell, Jim Clark and Jack Lash make another trip around the sun. Sydney Knox, Shawn Telford, Corinna Hunter, Diane Mort, Louise Robeson, Bill Kaufamn, Holly McNee, Denise Wilbanks and Marion Brendis celebrate Feb. 23 birthdays and on Tuesday wish a happy birthday to Ingrid Allen, Sheila Wooley and Barb Koerner.

Kerri Rankin Thoreson is a member of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists and the former publisher of the Post Falls Tribune. Main Street appears every Wednesday in The Press and Kerri can be contacted on Facebook or via email Follow her on Twitter @kerrithoreson.