WARMING: Solutions, not politics, please
You can be right and lose an argument.
When Global Warming concerns became public we were all interested and concerned. Unfortunately ugly things happened; famous people distrusted by many became the spokespersons for the concept. We felt strongarmed by thugs. Global Warming was taken from science and delivered to politics.
Political attacks were launched against the very people who give humanity long life and the comfort that goes with it. These are the same folks who have the mental and material resources to take whatever action might be deemed necessary. These are the folks of industry and capitalism. Builders, designers and empirical scientists were suddenly maligned as “anti-science” and “anti-environment,” both inappropriate claims. It was claimed that you could not be an environmentalist unless you joined a certain political party. It is no wonder that backs are turned on Global Warming activists.
Those who create tend to shun media. They work hard, study hard. Many who achieve lofty status in industry and science have multiple doctorates but they ignore seemingly frivolous attacks.
That means gridlock.
If Global Warming were addressed seriously it would happen because we decided to enlist the help of industry and we set out to seek solutions. And we chose to do so respectfully.
Discussion would need to stay on track. What’ll it take? What synergies are available? How could every person join in? How can the problem be addressed in an activist-free, apolitical way?
Missoula, Mont.