Smart people beware
There's been a lot of gay-bashing in the editorial section lately. It's sad that we've come to this. Before they closed down Butler's neo-Nazi compound, we here in Idaho had the great freedom as Americans to hate whomever we damn well pleased. Now, it's no longer politically correct to hate people because of their race. We're down to hating homosexuals. It's too narrow of a focus. What are we going to do with all the left-over hatred? Obviously, we need to start hating entirely new groups of people. Now, hatred may be too strong of a word for haters who are Christians. They feel their hatred as powerfully as any haters, but they want to dodge around expressing their straight-up hatred because it makes them sound, well, unchristian. They say they don't hate homosexuals, they just hate the acts associated with being a homosexual. Personally, I feel the same about preachers. I don't hate preachers, I just hate it when they start preaching.
But, we need to rethink bigotry in this country. Who else can we hate? We're not out of options just because hating other races is suddenly passe. Basically, it's still wide open. For example, I hate everyone who isn't just like me. Especially, I hate people who are smarter than I am. I'm talking millions and millions of people here. And who are these smart people? They're a bunch of mamsy-pamsy do-gooders who want to change things, to move society forward.
Here in Idaho, we resent change and we're proud of being backward. If it hadn't been for all those smart lawyers shutting down Butler's compound, we'd still have our very own homegrown neo-Nazi terror cell. We could have gone on hating, our state proudly wearing its black eye in the national press. But, oh no, smart people had to ruin it for everyone else. They didn't understand that ignorance was central to our identity.
Well, I think it's time we went after these smart people and showed them we won't be pushed around anymore. It's good that we are under-funding our schools to ensure kids graduate knowing next to nothing. But, a substandard education isn't enough to ensure we won't be surrounded by smart people. Young people are resilient; a lot of them will grow up to be smart anyway. We need a bolder plan.
Anyone moving to our state should be required to take an I.Q. test. If they pass it, we have to tell them to hit the road. We don't need their kind around here.
We need to go to Boise and weed out those Democrats with their progressive agendas. We don't need them. Per capita, we lead the nation in the creation of minimum wage jobs, and we've got plenty of dropouts to fill them. Why would anyone want to change that?
Sometimes, I don't think smart people are really as smart as they think they are. I'm gonna start a new hate group. We'll hold protest marches, carrying signs that say, "Up with Stupid." We're gonna go after smart people and run them out of our state.
Are you with me?
Russ Fahlgren is a Worley resident.